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As an independent non-profit We have been able to continue our work for 24 years due to generous donors and dedicated volunteers who advocate for children in foster care and give them a voice. The past two years with a joint collaborative effort we helped facilitate permanent homes: 

56 Reunification

49 Adoptions

36 Guardianship

Give the gift of advocacy


Our Volunteers work with children until they are placed in loving permanent homes. For many abused children, a CASA volunteer is the only constant adult presence in their lives. A CASA volunteer is a court appointed special advocate. It is a volunteer commitment unlike any other. Mandated by Arkansas state statutes, a CASA volunteer is sworn in as an Officer of the court. They have access to all the important information and privilege needed to make life changing, best interest decisions for the children of 3rd Judicial District of Arkansas, serving Sharp, Jackson, Lawrence, and Randolph Counties.



At the heart of every Gateway CASA donor is the desire to help children and give them a fighting chance to succeed. Your donation to Gateway CASA is not just a charitable contribution to a worthy organization; it is a gift that shows abused and neglected children that there are people who care what happens to them, who want to see them enjoy being a child, who want them to have opportunities that lead them into a better future.


Become a Friend of CASA

Support CASA in other ways: Sponsorship, Events and fundraising, Donation of time, skills, service, supplies, 

Change a Childs Story 

Our Membership and Partnership

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